
30 June 2019

Holy cheese puffs

I'm actually writing this before the month is over instead of retroactively changing the date because I'm weirdly anal about such things.  Wow.

What happened during the months of May and June, you may ask?  (Even if you don't ask, I'm still going to tell you.)

Well, the main thing would be that I flew up to Quebec City to spend a long weekend with my lovely friend, Karen.  We rented an AirBNB apartment and touristed ourselves into oblivion - walking through Vieux-Quebec, trudging up hills, and gorging ourselves on poutine.  Because obviously.  On Saturday night, we went to see Bruno Pelletier in concert (does this shock anyone) and were able to go visit with him for a bit during the intermission.  It was awesome.

The day after I got back, Theo and I went to see Shinedown at the Ryman.  Actually, a couple days before I flew up to Quebec, my mom and I saw Eddie Izzard, also at the Ryman.  So I pretty much just lived in Nashville for the weekend.

In June, Theo and I went to Knoxville for our friend, Brandy's, wedding.  It was quite lovely!  It made me wish it was our wedding day again.  I also spent the whole time drooling over Theo in his suit, because that's just the kind of person I am.

The following weekend, we went down to Georgia to spend some time with my family!  We got lunch at KFC (at the BIG CHICKEN) before going to my mom, sister's, and brother's apartment to swim for the afternoon.  Theo and I did not wear sun screen because we are stupid.  We swam, burnt, and had a jolly time.  That evening, we went to my sister Sarah's house to have one jumbo sleepover.  It was great!

Aaaand that's about it.  Oh, yeah.  One other thing.

We're going to Disney World!!

Okay, so it's not until April 2020.  (According to my countdown app, its 293 days away.)  But this kind of vacation requires lots of planning and obsession.  And that's what I'm doing!  I'm so excited.

In a couple weekends, we're going back down to Georgia for the Atlanta Comic Con.  I also have Independence Day off work, which is SUPER EXCITING, since I already have Wednesdays off due to working four ten-hour days a week, so that's two days off during the week!  WOO!  August will be filled with lots of stuff, like the Titanic Conference, which I may or may not attend, Dragon Con down in Atlanta (for which Lauren will be joining us during the last two days), aaaand my birthday!  So hopefully that's enough to keep my mind off of Disney World.

But I doubt it.