
26 July 2017

Noswaith dda

Apparently the title means "good evening" in Welsh.  I didn't know that.  I know how to say "good morning" (bore da) and "good afternoon" (prynhawn da), but Duolingo hasn't yet taught me to say "good evening," despite the fact that it is in fact evening.  Oh, well.

I also forgot to write in here for June, aaaand I don't really care.  Moving on.

The big news as of late is that I quit my job for different reasons.  I am currently jobless, which sucks, but I've had a couple of interviews, so hopefully something comes along soon.  If all of your appendages could remained twisted into a pretzel-like fashion, that would be great.  Thanks oodles.

The reason the blog title is in Welsh is because I've decided to finally sit down and learn Welsh.  I've been interested in the language for years and years, but I never really had a method to do so until it arrived on Duolingo.  (No, I didn't have Duolingo to learn French on my own, but there are so few speakers of Welsh that there aren't many other websites to use like there are for French.)  There's not a particular reason for me to learn Welsh - with French it was to understand lyrics, but it developed into a lifelong passion - other than the fact that I love studying languages.  I hate that I only know two - as a lover of languages, that is really not enough.  I've dabbled in Russian, Italian, Esperanto, and ASL, but I really want to make an effort with Welsh.  So, yeah, I'm doing that.

Oh, yeah - other big news.  Theo was in a car accident and his Mustang was totaled.  A sixteen-year-old was driving his new-to-him Chevy truck and not paying attention when he slammed into Theo, who was stopped due to, ironically, an accident further down the road.  The back of the Mustang was actually not toooo horrible, but he was pushed into the back of a Lexus, which completely smushed the front end.  The Lexus was then pushed into the back of a Mercedes.  So this poor sixteen-year-old kid (with no insurance) finally gets a truck and hits a Mustang, a Lexus, and a Mercedes all in one go.  Nice.  Way to multitask.  So while we're both upset about the loss of the Mustang, Theo now has a Ford Fusion.  'Tis quite a nice little car (but obvs not the same).

The weekend after the accident, I drove down to Georgia for my sister, Sarah's, wedding to her long-time fiancé, TJ.  It was magical and romantic, and I'm quite happy for those two crazy kids.  I got to see my grandparents, my dad and stepmom, and my siblings, and it was a wonderful time.  And I get to see them all in September!  Now that Sarah's wedding is over, I feel like my own wedding is looming.  So. much. planning.  Gulp.

That's about it.  I'm tired.  Noodles.