
31 December 2015

Highlights of 2015

It's that time of year again.  A sort of "tradition" I've had over the past four years that this blog has been alive has been to make my last post of the year highlighting all the awesome (or not-so-awesome) things that have happened throughout the year.  So, without further ado, let's get crackin'.

- Began my final semester as an undergraduate student at Truman State University.
- Finished applying to the Teaching Assistant Program in France (a.k.a. TAPIF).

- Finished applying to three grad schools: Université Laval, McGill University, and Concordia University.
- US Bruno Fans, Bruno Pelletier's official American fanclub, of which I am one of the administrators, began its t-shirt campaign, eventually raising $230 CAD for the Québec Cancer Foundation.
- I won a contest to participate in a Skype call with Bruno.
- I was named "Outstanding French Student of 2015."  Competition was stiff--there were six total French majors graduating.

- I was accepted into TAPIF.
- I participated in my final French play.  And the final French play, period, I think.
- A poem of mine was published in Truman's literary journal, Windfall.
- I had aforementioned Skype conversation with Bruno.
- I presented my French Capstone presentation.  It was terrifying.
- I was accepted into Concordia.
- Josh Groban retweeted me after I showed him an English translation of what Bruno had said about him singing Le temps des cathédrales.  Josh went on, later, to mention the post and said that Bruno was one of his favorite singers of all time.  I give myself full credit, of course.
- I made the official decision to attend grad school at Concordia in Montréal.

- My mom, sister, aunt, and grandparents came to stay with me in Kirksville.  Lauren came, too!
- I graduated from Truman!
- Kat and I drove up to Wisconsin to see Lauren.

- During one of his shows, I Skyped with Bruno while he sang Calling You.

- I was a preceptor for JBA for the second time.
- Injured my knee.  It still isn't back to normal.
- Moved out of the apartment I shared with Kat.  Sniff.

- My application for a CAQ was FINALLY accepted.
- I spent a month in Kentucky.
- I turned 24!
- I moved to MONTRÉAL!!
- I got to see Ekaterina.

- Went to La Ronde.  It was glorious.
- Started classes as a graduate student.
- I met Marie Mai!

The big month!
- Lauren came to visit me!
- We interviewed Bruno for US Bruno Fans and then watched him perform.
- We went up to Québec City.
- I went to Ottawa to see Kate!
- Karen and Heather came to Québec City!
- We saw Bruno perform twice and met him after the shows.

- I saw Bruno perform one last time.
- I saw the band Shyre perform with my friend, Félix.
- I saw Vanessa Carlton perform.

- I got back together with Theo.  Teehee.
- I dyed my hair black.
- I went to see Gabrielle perform and met three awesome ladies.
- I saw Marie-Mai perform.
- I spent Christmas with François and his wonderful family.

So yeah, that's been my year.  It's been crazy.  Here's to hoping that 2016 is just as crazy!