
13 February 2013

Utterly Betwixt?

If you have found this post, then it is because you are my friend on Facebook.  Congratulations!  Or maybe you just Googled "Ashlee R. Estep."  I don't know.  Either way, pretentiousitchy.blogspot will no longer get you anywhere.  I decided to change the title and URL of my blog to another random phrase that I like pretty well.  "Betwixt" is probably my favorite word, and since it means "between," and my life always seems to be in some sort of phase of being in between, I thought it was appropriate.  Or maybe I just like the phrase.  I dunno, you decide.  I also implemented (heehee, big word) a new design.  Don't you love having Loki stare at you?

I have been completely (and utterly) exhausted as of late.  I applied for a job a while back, had an interview late last month, and found out last Friday that I didn't get the job.  It's disappointing.  The job would have given me a $1,500 stipend and it meshed perfectly with my schedule for the summer (what with going to Québec and all that), and I really wanted the job.  It would have been fun.  But alas, I didn't get it.  I went to my ex-boss in the CML department to see if I could work as an office assistant again for May, June, and August, but they're unsure about being able to hire extra workers.  There's also the possibility of taking a class either here at Truman (which is expensive) or at MACC, Kirksville's community college (which is cheaper).  While I would love to take a computer science course here, I know there's no possibility of a CS minor, even if I'm really good at it, because it requires too many hours for me to graduate on time.  So maybe I'll take Statistics at MACC this summer before I go to Québec.  (Provided that the course starts and ends before need to leave - therein lies the problem.)

Despite the fact that I have been completely (and utterly) exhausted as of late, I am extremely wired right now.  This might have something to do with the fact that I had to take pills that contained caffeine in order to combat my monster headache this morning.  Who knows?  It also helped that a girl with whom I was working on an assignment for my French grammar class and I did really well on said assignment.  Boo ya!  Although my hyperness is lessened somewhat due to the fact that I have been trying to get a hold of a professor to arrange an important meeting for over a week, and when said professor finally emails me back, said professor can only meet at times in which I am either taking a test or working.  GAH!  I don't know what to do.  Right now, curling into a ball and rocking unsteadily back and forth seems to be a good option.  Or screaming.  That sounds good, too.