
18 October 2013

Stress in the fast lane.

Well.  Where do I begin?  Normally I write blog entries more frequently, but it's been over a month since my last one.  Nothing particularly monumental has happened, except some bumps in the road here and there, and a whole lot of stress.

In terms of classes, that's a big part of where my stress is coming from.  My crappy memory really bites me in the butt when it comes to having to remember things like facts and dates.  I just have a hard time remembering things unless I drill it over, and over, and over, and sometimes even then it doesn't really work.  I can set my keys down somewhere and literally two seconds later, I can't find them.  I simply cannot remember where I put them.  Sometimes I'll say something and have absolutely no memory of saying it a minute later.  Lauren and Kat insisted that I did, in fact, proclaim my hunger, but I don't remember doing so.  So my inability to remember a lot of things worries me when it comes to, not only my French civilization class, but also my statistics course.  Luckily, for the test, we'll be allowed to use a formula sheet, which is good since my biggest obstacle is often remembering formulas.  But for French Civ. . . . I'll just have to drill facts and things into my head and hope they stick.

Speaking of things that are wrong with me, I have recently realized that I most likely have what is called stereo-blindness.  It is most often present in people who had lazy eye as a kid (moi) and who only use one eye most of the time (also moi).  To explain the latter part, it's not that I'm blind in one eye.  I just don't really use my right eye unless I'm looking at something far to my right that my left eye can't really see.  I can often close my right eye while looking at something and realize that my vision doesn't really change at all.  My mom noticed that I did this as a kid, and took my to the eye doctor, but nothing really came of it.  This is the reason that I can't see things in 3D and why the huge craze in releasing movies in 3D really sucks.  People  who see 3D use both eyes together constantly, but I can't really make myself do it.  Watching Toy Story 3 in 3D in theaters resulted in a nasty headache.  Sometimes I get flashes of 3D, like random confetti floating around the theater, but other than that, it's mostly lost on me.  Stereo-blindness also affects my depth perception, which explains why I can't catch a ball to save my life and why I really suck at basketball and can rarely make a basket.  I can't really judge how far away from me an object is.  For some people, this is extremely debilitating in that it makes it impossible for them to drive since they can't see how far away the other cars are, but that's not the case for me.  If I do have stereo-blindness, it doesn't, luckily, affect my driving at all.  If anything, it makes me more careful.

Driving.  Ah, yes.  I love it.  It's immensely fun.  But what's not fun is sitting in the Wal-Mart parking lot, the car in park, and watching some guy back his car up in an arc and smack into the front left side of your car. Lauren and I were fine, of course, but shaken and pissed off beyond belief.  The guy felt awful, his son in the back seat looked terrified, and he apologized profusely.  The car didn't hit the headlight, but just beneath it and right above the tire, leaving a very expensive dent.  (Luckily, the guy fully admits that it was HIS FAULT and is contacting his insurance agency and whatnot so he can pay for it.)  We weren't sure if the car could drive.  It didn't look like anything was touching the tire, so David and Deb told us to try to drive it home.  However, as soon as we turned right, we heard a scraping noise.  We managed to get back to the Wal-Mart parking lot, so as not to stay in someone's driveway, and attempted to call people for a ride home since David and Deb weren't in town at the moment.  Unfortunately, it was midterm break and no one was in Kirksville at the time.  Luckily for us, our wonderful friend Liz was available, and she and her husband came to pick us up.  Aren't they lovely?

But yes.  That was a fun-filled night.  We're fortunate that no one was hurt and that it's fully clear that it wasn't our fault.  The fact that I made the effort to park away from most of the people and we still got hit.  Ugh.

Anyway.  Because the car is undriveable at the moment, our magnificent marvelous Kat is coming to Kirksville today to pick us up and take us to Hannibal to spend the weekend with her.  YAY!  The Folklife Festival is coming, and I've been looking forward to it all year, and I am SO EXCITED.  I can't wait to see Kat.  My day ends at 1:30, and then I am FREEEEEE!!!

To explain the title: this semester is going by extremely quickly.  Holy crap.