
30 January 2014

punch the damask

New year, a new phrase I'm not gonna explain.  Woo!

I generally make an effort to make at least one post a month.  And for the past thirty-one months (holy crap), I've been successful.  All throughout January I've been meaning to write something, but my schedule has been absolutely insane this semester.  So what's the me been up to?

First of all, Kat's back in Kirksville, which means lots of merriment and fun.  It also means apartment hunting for Kat and me since we're going to be spending one more year here in this fabulous town before finally graduating and "spreading our wings," as it were.  Lauren will be graduating this May, so Kathy and I will be left to fend for ourselves.  Hopefully we can manage.

I also started my new job in the Special Collections section of the library here at Truman.  It's actually a pretty daunting task even though I'm just a lowly Reading Room assistant.  My main job is to help patrons who come in looking for a book, whether it be part of a specific collection really old, rare, and/or valuable.  While this may not sound difficult, there's a lot involved and it's a lot to remember.  Because the area doesn't get lots of traffic, most of the time I'm in the back dusting the stacks, looking through piles of newspapers in case something is featured that needs to be archived, or making lists of books for a project.  So far, because I'm still "in training," I haven't really been assigned any big projects or anything like that, which is fine with me.  I actually find the job to be quite stressful, mainly because I'm so worried about messing up.  It's slowly getting better, however, so fingers crossed that it'll continue to do so.

In other news, I finally applied for a position as a preceptor at the Joseph Baldwin Academy, which is a three-week-long program over the summer for gifted middle school students.  If accepted, I'll work in a creative writing class with a professor, as well as be something of a "counselor" for a group of girls, fairly similar to what I did at Girls Camp.  It comes with a $1,400 stipend, so I'm really hoping I get the job.

If I don't, there are some pretty awesome alternatives.  I'll either go to Kentucky to spend the summer with my family (which I may do after JBA, anyway), or I may stay a little longer in Missouri to see Eddie Izzard in St. Louis.  Which. would. be. AMAZING!  So while I would love to have the job, seeing as it would immensely help apartment prospects next semester, I do have other things I could look forward to.

Also, I like Sherlock now.  And Benedict Cumberbatch isn't as ugly as I thought he was.  WOO!