
31 March 2019

This was definitely posted in March

In case you're wondering, I most certainly am NOT writing this on April 1 and changing the date and time to make it look like it was written on March 31 so I don't already break my "one-post-a-month" streak.  So quit asking!


What's new with me?  The last we heard of my tale, I had just had a septoplasty and was super stoked to be able to breathe.  So... can I breathe?
Image result for yes and no meme
The surgery worked for the most part, but I still struggle here and there with, ironically, the nostril that never really had the problem in the first place.  A couple of people have suggested that I go back to my doctor to get it checked out, but after the expense of the first visit and just the camera to look up in there, not to mention the surgery itself, I think I'll pass.  Because America.

In other news, our lovely guinea pig, Elvira, has been sick for a month-and-a-half, and we don't know why.  $300, two vet visits, four different medications, and an x-ray later, and we're still not sure what it is.  We've ruled out a URI, allergies, pneumonia, and heart problems.  What's odd is that usually when a guinea pig is sick, they'll stop eating, drinking, and doing, well, anything.  But Elvira eats and drinks, but she's got the constant snuffles and she's lost a significant bit of weight (in spite of eating).  It has been suggested to us that she has some form of cancer, in which case there's not really much for us to do other than watch her, love her, and make sure she's not suffering.

In more other news, in mid-February, I bought a plane ticket to go up to Québec City to see Bruno Pelletier in concert.  (Who's shocked?  Are you shocked?  It's my twelfth concert of his.  Don't be shocked.)  My darling, lovely friend, Karen, is going to fly up from New Jersey to attend the show with me, and it is going to be magical.  Even more magical will be the fact that I'm spending more than twenty-five hours there.  This time it'll be about forty-eight!

In about mid-March, I drove out to Missouri to see my two bestest friends in the whole, wide world.  Merriment was made.  There was a lot of laughing, hanging out, and drinking.

In the last bit of news, I just purchased tickets for my mom and me to go see Eddie Izzard in Nashville.  It's the same tour that Theo and I saw last year, but it's hilarious, and my mom has never seen Eddie, so it'll be super fun.  I'm stoked.
